July 18, 2024


The Allan Labor Government is celebrating the role of women across Victoria with a new round of the Women’s Public Art Program – to install six new public artworks honouring remarkable women.

Minister for Women Natalie Hutchins this week opened applications for the next round of the program.

Of the almost 600 statues across Melbourne’s public spaces, only around two per cent represent women, with most statues representing men or animals.

That’s why the Labor Government is working to shift the dial on the public representation of women, investing a further $1.2 million into the second round of the landmark Women’s Public Art Program.

Aboriginal women are often invisible in public artworks, and this NAIDOC Week Aunty Pam Pedersen is highlighting the opportunity to recognise Aboriginal women through public art such as the sculpture of her mother, Lady Gladys Nicholls, at Parliament Gardens.

Lady Gladys Nicholls was a prominent Aboriginal rights activist, and the statue of her with husband Pastor Doug Nicholls was the first in Victoria to acknowledge Aboriginal leaders.

In partnership with McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery, this program will support the creation of another six new artworks including sculptures, murals or installations.

The first round unveiled artworks that celebrate women such as journalist, comedian and disability rights advocate Stella Young, and equal pay campaigner Zelda D’Aprano.

To apply, visit www.vic.gov.au/victorian-womens-public-art-program.

Quotes attributable to Member for Macedon, Mary-Anne Thomas
“I encourage all local artists to apply to this fantastic program to ensure women are celebrated and represented in our public artworks.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Women Natalie Hutchins
“We’re building greater recognition of women who have contributed above and beyond for Victoria, and creating a permanent record of their excellence. We know that by elevating women’s achievements in such a visible way, all sorts of opportunities can arise.”

Quotes attributable to McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery Artistic and Executive Director Lisa Byrne
“Underrepresentation of works of and by women is a colossal gap in public art, locally and globally. As Australia’s preeminent authority on sculpture and spatial practice, McClelland will dedicate our public art expertise to ensuring this project makes significant inroads in reversing this imbalance.”

Quote attributable to Aunty Pam Pedersen
“I’m so excited that this is giving organisations a chance to nominate women from different walks of life to be celebrated. There are so many women we don’t even hear about, grassroots women from all backgrounds, that need to be rewarded and recognised for the way they are helping others.”

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