The Hanging Rock Master plan is on track as master planning consultants, Tract, have been appointed to deliver the Draft Hanging Rock Master Plan. The draft master plan is expected to be completed at the end of the year, for approval by June 2022.
Tract is a leader in the master planning process for significant cultural heritage, environmental, and community projects across Australia, with extensive experience working on community-based projects for local and state government.
The master plan will reflect current best practice in planning for major public open spaces and be consistent with the vision, objectives, initiatives and acknowledge the identified values of the Hanging Rock Strategic Plan.
The Hanging Rock Strategic Plan will guide the future use of the rock and its immediate surrounds from 2018-2068.
It will also provide direction and certainty for the long-term improvement and management of Hanging Rock for Traditional Owners, user groups, the tourism community, the wider community, Macedon Ranges Shire Council and State Government.
There will be a range of opportunities for interested stakeholders and community members to be involved in the master planning process, including online engagement and workshops, as well as a period of formal public exhibition for review and feedback.
The expected outcomes in delivering this master plan are to be consistent with the iconic nature of Hanging Rock and be realistic with a deliverable scope of initiatives based on firm evidence base and credible cost estimates.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio
"This milestone demonstrates how the Victorian Government is delivering on its $3 million election commitment to start implementation of the 50-year Hanging Rock Strategic Plan to ensure the long-term improvement and management of Hanging Rock is sustainable"
Quotes attributable to Mary-Anne Thomas MP, Member for Macedon
"There will be extensive engagement with Traditional Owners, key stakeholders and the wider community on the development of the master plan."
"The master plan will enable a high-quality visitor experience while protecting the natural environment and cultural assets and manage the impacts arising from visitation of Hanging Rock."