June 28, 2024


The Allan Labor Government is making sure more women in Macedon can access the sexual and reproductive healthcare they need and deserve – as we continue to close the gender health gap.

Member for Macedon and Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas joined Premier Jacinta Allan on Friday to announce that Kyneton is one of six new Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Hubs locations.

This hub joins the current network of 14 hubs that are already delivering free or low-cost care including contraception, medical abortion, referral for surgical abortion and sexual health testing and treatment.

The latest locations were chosen based on where there is a high demand for women’s healthcare and a lack of existing services including:

Central Highlands Rural Health – Kyneton
· Western Health – Melton
· IPC Health – Wyndham Vale
· DPV Health – Broadmeadows
· Grampians Health – Horsham and Stawell
· East Grampians Health – Ararat

Hubs were selected following extensive sector consultation and are expected to help at least 4,000 more girls and women access sexual and reproductive health services every year.

Part of a $153 million women’s health package, the hubs will transform the way women’s health issues are treated – breaking down barriers women and girls face in accessing affordable and comprehensive care.

The workforce supporting the hubs will also benefit from our Women’s Health Scholarship program, helping to address existing skills and knowledge shortages when it comes to women’s health.

More than 100 scholarships are being delivered – offering chances to upskill in areas like IUD insertion, sexual and reproductive health, pelvic physio training, menopause and PCOS.

The scholarships also fund training to promote cultural safety and remove existing barriers for First Nations women, women from migrant and refugee backgrounds and LGBTIQA+ communities.

The Labor Government’s nation-leading Inquiry into Women’s Pain continues to hear directly from women and girls about their experience of pain and accessing care.

A public submission and survey process is currently underway with close to 9,000 responses to date – Victorian women are encouraged to ensure their voices are heard before submissions close in just over a month, on 31 July. Submissions can be made at: www.health.vic.gov.au/inquiry-into-womens-pain

Quote attributable to Member for Macedon and Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas

“All Victorian women should feel safe and supported when accessing the care they need, including medical and surgical abortion – that is exactly what these new hubs will do.”

“We’re doing what matters – removing the barriers that women in Macedon face so they can get the care and support they need, when and where they need it.”

Quote attributable to Premier Jacinta Allan

“The gender health gap is real – and it needs to be addressed. With these hubs, we’ll help make sure more women can get the affordable and accessible care they need.”

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